Quick Tip: Combine images to gif animation in Gimp

1. Make sure that all images in your sequence have the same size.
2. Open Gimp and add images as layers File > Open as Layers (select all the images you want in your gif-animation)

3. The lower layer is the first frame of your animation, so make sure that layers are in correct order
4. Go to File > Export

5. Enter the desired name with .gif at the end and press Export
6. Mark ‘As animation’ and ‘Loop forever’ checkboxes
7. Set ‘Delay between frames’ to about 500 milliseconds or choose your own value by trial and error

That’s all for now! Please, post your results in the comments. And if you like the tutorial, please, share it :)
* Download this tutorial in PDF


Olga Bikmullina


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